A map of Antara with a lot of names and places that we learn more about as the series progresses.
When Frederick Quincy Cameron (Quin) has a fall in his bedroom, he’s sure he’s about to get permanently disfigured by the mirror he’s falling towards. Instead, it transports him to the dimension of Antara - where he’s promptly greeted by an angry horde of creatures only found in fantasy.
Soon, Quin discovers that people in Antara have been expecting him - well, not him exactly - but five warriors from his dimension that are prophesied to come and save Antara during their most desperate time in need. Instead, they get Quin, a slightly pudgy self-identified ‘gaymer’ more interested in the side quests than progressing the story.
Soon, his classmates Hogan, Sarah, Drew, and Evie join him in Antara, where it’s revealed to them exactly who they’re up against - the Demon of Nithera, commonly called The Devil. But before they can be ready to fight Lucifer, they have to prepare their minds, bodies, and souls for what is going to be the biggest battle in inter-dimensional history.